Looking for more to read? Head over to my new blog, Rebekah Joan!



Isn't this brilliant? I think it is. via
New design. Do you guys like it? I want to change the header, but I can't decide what I want. There are too many ideas inside my head.
So. This whole designing thing. I added the sliding menu that I fell in love with when I read the tutorial, but I didn't add it until now for reasons.
I feel like I need to change the order of the links. Does it look funky to you in that pyramid-like style? (Which, by the way, was accidental at first.) Please, please, please give me your honest opinion.
And the picture. On the left side. It's down some. Do you like that? Or should I keep it at the top?
Aughhhhhh. So many details. I can't decide if I like it, although it's better than what I had before (in my opinion anyway).
Also, I created a whole bunch of different pages (feel free to explore). But the two I want to point out are my Prayer Requests page and my Works-in-Progress page. The first because I think it would be a super-duper amazing idea, and the second to ease curiosity.
So...yeah. I'm almost done with my math. I won Camp NaNoWriMo (my goal was only 25K, though). School is almost done. I. Can't. Wait.

Bekah Joan
p.s. be prepared for more changes.


  1. Wow. This is really cool, Bekah. I love the slider ;)

  2. This design is great, I love it! You should definitely keep it. Great slide out menu. Don't worry about the pyramid, I think it's cool. Great job!
    Tane ♥

  3. I love the new design! The new menu is pretty cool. Don't worry about the pyramid, I think it looks better that way than if it were just in random length order. Nice work, and congrats for NaNo! Have fun with the math! ;)

  4. I really love your new design! It's so beautiful!
    I'm thinking about a new design for my blog, I mean it's spring time, time for change.

    1. Thanks, Lila. (:
      Yessssss! That would be awesome! I mean, I love your design now, but I like exploring new websites. :P

  5. The only problem I've got is that the "off we go!" thing cuts off the end of the words are you scroll down (on my computer, at least). I do like the sliding menu!

    1. Huh! That's odd. It doesn't do that on mine. O.o I thought I had it so that the text only goes over so far...
      Grrrr. I'll try to fix it. (:

    2. Is it any better? Like, even just a little bit? >.<

    3. I don't know. It looks about the same.

    4. Erggggggghhhh. :-/ I'll have to do some more research on it. Sorry. :(

  6. P.S. I tagged you with the Sunflower Award. But you definitely don't have to do it if you don't want to.

    1. Thanks! But I basically stopped doing tags, so I might not...

  7. I really like your new design! <3 The sliding menu is just awesome. I especially like your new Works-in-Progress page. I'm planning to do something like that, soon.

    If you're open for suggestions on your header, I think it would look really cool if you did a font in Georgia or Times New Roman or something like that, and centered the title. Those fonts always compliment fancy fonts like on your menu. ;)

    By the way, how did you center your titles and date headers? I've always wanted to do that, lol.

    1. Thank youuuuuuu! :)
      And thanks--I might just do that. I was thinking of doing a picture, too...AUGH. SO MANY IDEAS.
      Just follow the instructions on here (you have to scroll down some): http://www.inneverland.com/2012/10/a-simple-trick-youll-will-probably.html

  8. Hey, Bekah, just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award over at www.quillinherquiver.blogspot.com. :) Just so's you know.

  9. You have also been nominated for the Sunshine Award over at my art blog. Because you're super shiny. :)

  10. Lovely post, Bekah! :) I tagged you by the way. :)


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